36 year old male with hypertension

Chief complaints:

A 36 year old male came to the op with chief complaints of head ache since 1 year and neck pain since 3 days 

History of present illness: 

He is complaining of left sided head ache since 1 year , which is  insidious  (on prolonged exposure to sunlight), it relieves by itself . He has neck pain since 3 days , its a blunt type of pain , it started after he changed the his hypertension medication from metoprolol succinate and telmisartan which he was using since one and half year to Telmisartan  and Amlodipine . 

Past history : 

He is a known case of Hypertension .

No history of asthma , TB, diabetes, epilepsy , CAD,CVD. 

Personal history: 

Mixed diet 

Normal appetite 

Adequate sleep 

Normal bowel and bladder movements 

Occasional alcohol consumption . 

General examination : 

Conscious , coherent , co operative 

Moderately built and nourished 

No pallor , icterus , cyanosis, clubbing, 

lymphadenopathy, edema . 

Temp: afebrile 

Bp: 140/90 mm hg 

PR: 90


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